Cupping has been used in China for centuries due to its numerous healing benefits. Cupping is a simple and effective technique that can be used alone or in combination with acupuncture. It is like an “inverted” massage. With cupping, a suction is created that slightly lifts the skin, connective tissues, and muscles into the cup.
Cupping helps to improve blood circulation, increase oxygen to the muscles, and relieve pain. It also helps to drive out toxins that linger in the muscles and body tissues that contribute to pain and discomfort. Cupping can cause the skin to temporarily turn red, blue, or purple, especially if the area of the muscle was suffering from an injury or impaired functionality. When there is pain in the body, the body is telling us that there is a disruption in circulation to the specific area affected by pain.
Our cells require the use of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide. At times, due to an injury or over-usage, energy and circulation can be cut off. When this happens, waste products created by the cells can become blocked as well. Cupping alone, or with acupuncture, allows the body to break up any blockages deeper within the muscles and connective tissues, moving them to the surface of the skin. Once on the surface, it is easier for the body to flush out the toxins that have built up. Cupping helps new blood, nutrients, and oxygen get to the areas that need relief.
Cupping therapy can last from 10-25 minutes. It is often used as an adunct therapy to acupuncture and is usually performed prior to inserting needles into the body. It is often used as a diagnostic tool.